Tag Archives: Trevin Wax

A Gospel-Centered Approach to Reading Scripture

It interests me how whenever we read a story in Scripture, our first question is “What does this say about us?” when the whole of Scripture claims that the story of Redemption says much more about God than it does about humanity. To be sure, we need to ask that question, but we first need to ask “What does this say about Christ and the Gospel?”
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Secret Church on Sexuality and Gender Roles

Dating. Marriage. Divorce. Pornography. Polygamy. Manhood. Womanhood. Adoption. Abortion. These are some of the toughest topics that today’s generation is wrestling to define. Those who contend for a more conservative view are seen as closed-minded, intolerant, and oppressive. Those who contend for a liberal view are seen as scandalous, immoral, and militant about their rights. There is something much bigger at stake in all of this though. It isn’t about personal freedoms or academic definitions or philosophical distinctions. It’s about the gospel.
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9/11 Reflections

Where were you when the world stopped turning? This is the question that Trevin Wax asked his readers on his blog. Trevin also asked some of the leading pastors about their thoughts on ministry in a Post-9/11 World. Tim Keller did an excellent job addressing the issues of suffering, hope, and God’s sovereignty over 9/11 for The Gospel Coalition. Crossway had a series of posts based on R.C. Sproul’s book When Worlds Collide: Where is God?, asking Was 9/11 A Senseless Tragedy?, discussing this tragic event’s effect on Moral Relativism, and how 9/11 Shows the Value of Human Life. And Russell Moore does an absolutely outstanding job discussing The Gospel at Ground Zero for Christianity Today.

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