Dating. Marriage. Divorce. Pornography. Polygamy. Manhood. Womanhood. Adoption. Abortion. These are some of the toughest topics that today’s generation is wrestling to define. Those who contend for a more conservative view are seen as closed-minded, intolerant, and oppressive. Those who contend for a liberal view are seen as scandalous, immoral, and militant about their rights. There is something much bigger at stake in all of this though. It isn’t about personal freedoms or academic definitions or philosophical distinctions. It’s about the gospel.
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Posted in Announcements
Tagged Abortion, Adoption, Christ, Church, Dating, David Platt, Divorce, God, Gospel, Gospel Centrality, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Manhood, Marriage, Polygamy, pornography, Secret Church, Trevin Wax, Womanhood