Tag Archives: Jesus

Change the World

I’ve always been the type of person that’s just felt pulled toward…more. More than just not being satisfied with where I am, but really feeling like I was meant for a bigger impact on the world. Whether it be wanting to be in the military after high school (which didn’t work out), feeling pulled toward vocational ministry without any real path toward that type of platform or role, or really wanting this blog to finally take off back when I was a much more avid writer than I am now. Throughout my life there’s been this constant “you were made for more” feeling in my gut that I could never seem to satisfy.
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The Waiting

Four hundred years. Four hundred years of silence. Four hundred years waiting to hear from God. Waiting for a sign. Waiting for a prophet. Waiting for something.


And waiting.

And waiting.

Generation after generation. Waiting for words from God. For direction. For manifest presence. For the God who parted the sea for Moses and sent down fire from Heaven for Elijah. For the living God who performed the miracles of old to speak yet again. Living in the silence must have been agonizing. Longing for God to appear. Day after day. Year after year. Decade after decade. Hope set fully on the coming Messiah. Groaning along with creation. Longing for redemption. Expecting a Savior. Expecting a King!
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On Suffering

Life in this world guarantees us three things: taxes, suffering, and death. Of course, there are seasons of happiness and times of celebration, and some have more of the happy times than the sad. Yet, no one escapes the hard times. The hardest thing I think any of us have to do in life is sit by and watch someone else suffer. Usually we can justify our own suffering in some manner or another, but watching someone else suffer as we sit there powerless to stop it is much, much harder.
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Sin, Grace, and Donuts

I woke up to my alarm Sunday morning after staying up too late on Saturday night, and after having a really weird dream about my new truck continuously dying on me. In my sleepiness I concluded that this must mean that I should drive the truck to church that day. I went back to sleep and thought that at least today would be a good day to get donuts with the boys. Calvin and Joseph finally came in and woke me up at some point. I was super excited to get dressed and surprise them. I got up and hustled to get ready. Then I called the boys back to their rooms to get them dressed. Joseph didn’t exactly listen, being the stubborn two year old that he is while remaining completely adorable. So I walked into the living room and that’s when I saw it! The chair pushed up to the counter. The chocolate smudges around Joseph’s lips. His older brother nowhere to be found because he knew he was going to be in trouble. The boys got into their momma’s chocolate candies while we were asleep. I. Was. LIVID!
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life: unmasked – Daily Bread

Life: UnmaskedSeveral years ago, I started being more authentic on the blog, and started sharing about life: unmasked, in which I share some of my struggles, questions, and failures. I may link up with other bloggers or I’ll just do it on my own. Either way, I feel it’s important to live and write unmasked
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