Secret Church on Sexuality and Gender Roles

Dating. Marriage. Divorce. Pornography. Polygamy. Manhood. Womanhood. Adoption. Abortion. These are some of the toughest topics that today’s generation is wrestling to define. Those who contend for a more conservative view are seen as closed-minded, intolerant, and oppressive. Those who contend for a liberal view are seen as scandalous, immoral, and militant about their rights. There is something much bigger at stake in all of this though. It isn’t about personal freedoms or academic definitions or philosophical distinctions. It’s about the gospel.

The gospel speaks very clearly about these issues. The spike-pierced hands of Jesus send us a message about each and every one of these topics. Yet, despite all of the teaching in the Bible belt, we seem to me remiss when it comes to connecting the dots between the cross of Christ and these issues. This is why I am very grateful for David Platt’s decision to change the topic of the next Secret Church.

In an interview with Trevin Wax, Platt said that they “had originally planned to cover ‘Heaven, Hell, and the End of the World’ at this Secret Church. But then, due to a variety of factors in our church, our culture, and in my own life, I decided that we would switch to ‘Family, Marriage, Sex, and the Gospel.’ ”

Addressing these controversial issues is going to be tough. But it’s more necessary now that it has ever been. I’m grateful for Platt’s decision to address these issues, and look forward to joining this session of the Secret Church.

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