Tag Archives: Complementarian

In which I review Jesus Feminist (and steal the “in which” tagline)

Jesus. Feminist. I’ll admit, part of my curiosity with this book was putting those two words together. Not just in the same sentence, but right next to each other. Sarah Bessey is one of the bloggers I heard about through the Deeper Story crowd, and at this point it’s been so long I can’t remember if it was directly or indirectly, but over the past couple years I’ve tried to track with her blog as best I can. Through this, I learned enough to know that I like her writing, and that her imagery is often pure gold. I knew that she and I didn’t really agree on all aspects of the mammoth topic that is “gender roles” but when I saw the title of her book, I literally asked “What the Hell?” (sorry, grandma). Out loud. At work. Still, I had a feeling this book was going to be a game changer for us. I wasn’t disappointed.
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Props Where Props Are Due

A while back, I wrote a post about some of the problems I see in how the Reformed community responds to female bloggers when it comes to credibility and recognition/exposure. I’m incredibly grateful to see that God has shown His grace and given one of my friends a couple of amazing opportunities.
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Living it out

Last week I wrote about how reformed female bloggers have a rough time gaining credence from their male counterparts. First, I want to point out that Jared Wilson at The Gospel Coalition has one of my friends blogs highlighted on his blog to help provide another female voice to Complementarianism in conjunction with Kathy Keller’s review of Rachel Held Evans’ latest book. For this, I am very grateful. Not only to see a friend get some well-deserved promotion, but also for the Biblical truth behind the words.
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