Tag Archives: Complementarianism

Debating Feminism Well

I don’t know what caused it, but lately there has been an explosion of blog posts about feminism and gender roles. It’s gotta be something in the water. Or maybe, just maybe, the Holy Spirit is pressing His Church to work out a Biblical understanding of spiritual authority and the roles of men and women in the Church. There are typically three views on this: Complementarianism, Egalitarianism, and Non-Committal. Complementarianism holds that men and women were created with, and still have, equal dignity, value, and worth, but that God ordered creation and the Church in such a way that men are the leadership and women support the men in their role of following God’s leadership. This does not mean that their role isn’t vital, only that it’s different. Egalitarianism holds that men and women not only have equal dignity, value, and worth, but can also fulfill the same roles of leading, whether that be in the corporate world, the home, or the Church. And the Non-Committal either don’t care or don’t know enough to know where they believe Scripture lands. But there’s a problem with all of this.
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Props Where Props Are Due

A while back, I wrote a post about some of the problems I see in how the Reformed community responds to female bloggers when it comes to credibility and recognition/exposure. I’m incredibly grateful to see that God has shown His grace and given one of my friends a couple of amazing opportunities.
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Reformed Complementarianism and the Blogging World

I’ll confess, this is going to be a bit of a rant. But I feel it’s a rant worth conveying, because at its core is seeing Biblical truth confessed, but not practiced. In course of conversation, a friend of mine, though we’ve not met in person as of yet, mentioned some things to me about her experiences in the blogging world, and they have left me more than annoyed. So, I’ll be as gracious as I can with this, but buckle up.
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Gladly Complementarian: in which I open a can of worms

Recently, I read one of Preston’s posts at A Deeper Story. One of his posts was the first post I read at A Deeper Story, and I quickly began following both Preston’s blog and A Deeper Story. In this post, Preston writes about the tension he feels in his life when it comes to gender roles. I am absolutely grateful for thoughtful, deep posts about important topics, and am incredibly thankful that the grace and mercy the cross allows for different and incomplete (or non-concrete) views on important topics. I began typing up a response, and it quickly grew too long to post as a comment, so I decided to post it here instead.
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