Tag Archives: Salvation

Grace and the Debtor’s Ethic

A while back, a good friend of mine sent me a text out of nowhere saying that he had a gift for me. Puzzled, any understanding I had of grace and Theology went out the window, and my immediate response was “What did I do to deserve a gift?” Of course, he said, “Nothing.” Then the error of my ways set in and I realized that you can’t earn a gift. That’s why it’s a gift! My next thought, equally wrong, was “Man, I need to buy him lunch or something.” Now, there isn’t anything wrong with wanting to respond to a kind gesture with gratitude and being generous. But, there is something wrong with feeling the need to repay someone for a gift. Then it isn’t a gift. This kind of debtor’s ethic turns a gift into a financial transaction. It turns grace into legalism.
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All Things New

I went to The Movement last night, like I normally do on Saturday nights. My friend Mike is the young adult pastor, and it’s always a joy to hear him preach the gospel and make much of Jesus. I had been studying the background and introduction to 1 Peter most of the day, and debated on not going out of sheer mental exhaustion. Something pressed me forward and compelled me to go anyway. I’m glad I did, because I witnessed a miracle.
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Sex, Lies, and The Gospel

I remember hearing many sermons, teachings, and lectures about sex as I was growing up.  Whether it be at church, at home, or in school, this topic was covered by more people than I could possibly imagine while I was in high school.  I’m not saying that this shouldn’t be the case, my concern is what I remember hearing.

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