Tag Archives: God

When I Can Only Light a Candle

Growing up in church we get a vision of a Christianity that’s sanitized. We see Noah and the animals floating on the water in the Ark and landing on a mountain. We see Moses walking between fake walls of water. We see Jesus saying “let the children come.” And He looks very much like me, this felt-board Jesus. We are given a vision of Christianity that’s clean, but isn’t complete. Maybe not even real, to some extent.
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When The Church is a Whore

The other day I had the privilege to get into a conversation with Natalie Trust about the use of the phrase “the Church is a whore,” specifically in conjunction with all the recent conversation about millennials needing to forgive the Church (as an institution). Needless to say, this late-night Twitter conversation with this Protestant-raised-now-Catholic girl got me thinking.
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In Remembrance of Him

I was the kid who never really fit in. In elementary school, I was a dork. This was before the words “geek” and “nerd” had any sort of prestige to them, and “dork” is ranked even below those labels. I tried too hard, and pushed people away, and was picked on for it. It seemed that kids could smell lack of confidence like sharks can blood in the water, and react about the same way.
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Homosexuality, Gag Reflexes, and a Better Way

Yesterday was another sad day in the blogosphere and on Twitter. I see the Church pleading with herself from all sides to be more Christlike, when it seems we all have different definitions of what that really means. Whether it comes to gender roles or the redefining marriage debate, I’m half tempted to think that having blogs so readily available, giving anyone a voice, may cause more harm than good. And I know I’d shut myself down with that statement, too. The problem is we’ve lost all sense of context, and it’s damaging Christ’s Bride and the lost, the very people we should be trying to reach.
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Sex and Love : I Don’t Think They Mean What You Think They Mean

The other day I heard a saying that I’ve never really quite understood. I mean, I get why secular psychology would use this saying, but I heard it at a church service. I can’t really remember the context, I know it was said in passing, but right when I heard it the “always look out for blog ideas” part of my brain went off and I set a calendar event to remind myself to write about this saying. What is this saying?
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