Tag Archives: Identity

In Remembrance of Him

I was the kid who never really fit in. In elementary school, I was a dork. This was before the words “geek” and “nerd” had any sort of prestige to them, and “dork” is ranked even below those labels. I tried too hard, and pushed people away, and was picked on for it. It seemed that kids could smell lack of confidence like sharks can blood in the water, and react about the same way.
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Blogging, Misplaced Worship, and the Gospel Identity Cure

If you’ve followed the blog lately, you know that with the exception of the past couple weeks, it’s been a while since I’ve written anything. I felt the pressure getting to me, and when it got to be too much, I bailed. Some of this is wisdom, but I think more of it was fear. And exhaustion. Definitely exhaustion. Then something happened to push me back toward writing again, to be able to process and figure out things, if nothing else. Walking through broken places does that, it seems. As God’s providence would have it, I rejoined the blogosphere and Twitter just in time to find out about the Echo conference that took place in Dallas last week.
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Writing, Worship, and Gospel Identity

It’s been a few days since I’ve written anything. It feels like much longer. I don’t know if it was because I’ve been so busy the past couple days, or if I just haven’t had anything to say. What I know is that somehow the days when I don’t write just feel different.
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Empty Promises

We all chase after temporary things to find our identity, even those of us who know we shouldn’t. We are allured and seduced by success, approval, relationships, money, and even legalistic religion. In Empty Promises: The Truth About You, Your Desires, and the Lies You’re Believing, Pete Wilson addresses these issues of idolatry and identity head on.
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