Tag Archives: Redemption

Homosexuality, Gag Reflexes, and a Better Way

Yesterday was another sad day in the blogosphere and on Twitter. I see the Church pleading with herself from all sides to be more Christlike, when it seems we all have different definitions of what that really means. Whether it comes to gender roles or the redefining marriage debate, I’m half tempted to think that having blogs so readily available, giving anyone a voice, may cause more harm than good. And I know I’d shut myself down with that statement, too. The problem is we’ve lost all sense of context, and it’s damaging Christ’s Bride and the lost, the very people we should be trying to reach.
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Loss, Redemption, and Becoming Untrue

I’ve been writing on Holy Week this past week, and I wanted to actually be able to write something about Easter, too. I sat down earlier today to try to write about the resurrection, and hope fulfilled. I wanted to write something about God doing the unexpected in times of trouble, and walking with us when we don’t even know it’s Him. But I couldn’t write that today.


life:unmasked – Out Of Gas

Life: UnmaskedIn an effort to become more authentic in the blog, I’ve started doing something new, and joined Joy, a new writer I’ve come to know, in sharing about life: unmasked. I’m grateful for Joy’s allowing me to participate in this blog meme, and look forward to sharing some of my struggles, questions, and failures.
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life:unmasked – The Laughter

Life: UnmaskedIn an effort to become more authentic in the blog, I’ve started doing something new, and joined Joy, a new writer I’ve come to know, in sharing about life: unmasked. I’m grateful for Joy’s allowing me to participate in this blog meme, and look forward to sharing some of my struggles, questions, and failures. And this blog has to be the most naked I’ve written in quite some time.
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The Faithfulness of God When Leaders Fall

It’s always hard seeing public figures fall, especially pastors and preachers. It’s frustrating when a politician or business man appears to be hypocritical, because it shows us how jacked up the world is when a person can’t say what they believe to be true and then act on it. We tend to mask our real feelings by saying things like “Well, he/she’s a politician, what do you expect?” It’s much harder of a blow when this happens with a pastor or popular preacher because they are supposed to be the earthly example of how to live authentically and be Christ-like. It’s even a harder hit when the person isn’t a public figure, but is someone you know personally. In situations like this, feelings aren’t so easily masked.

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