Tag Archives: Christ

Without Walls

One of the many blessings in my life is being a member at The Village Church where we just started going through Nehemiah. In the first message in the series, Matt Chandler covers the necessity of the wall around the city in the Old and New Testament era. The city may be built up, and the place of worship may be to spec, but without the wall, the city has no defense. It is left at the mercy of those outside the city. They can be attacked from any direction. Bandits can run through town at will, destroying and causing chaos as they please. Monday night, during a much needed time of worship with my home group, we sang God of This City, and as we sang, I was reminded that this is very much the city of Dallas.
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On Beauty

A friend of mine posted something on Facebook the other day that, well, really ticked me off. It wasn’t so much that she said it, but the reality of the truth behind what she said, when it should be the furthest thing from the truth.

Her post:

A woman’s beauty is supposed to be her grand project and constant insecurity. We’re meant to shellac our lips with five different glosses, but always think we’re fat. Beauty is Zeno’s paradox. We should endlessly strive for it, but it’s not socially acceptable to admit we’re there. We can’t perceive it in ourselves. It belongs to the guy screaming “nice tits”.
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Thoughts Put to Life: Jesus Frees Us From Us

One of the things I love about being part of The Village Church is it seems that I am constantly surrounded by brilliant, compassionate, Christ-exalting people. Whether that be people I see at church, friends who go to a different campus but still challenge and encourage me over Facebook, Twitter, Email, and blogs. One of my friends, Rebekah, wrote a very brilliant, very honest post that I wanted to share here.

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Elections, Nationalism, and the Glory of God

For months now, we’ve all heard of the absolute importance of electing Romney as President. More importantly, we’ve heard of the necessity of electing Obama out of office. Now, I understand the reasons why people think this is important, and I agree with some of them. It’s generally a bad idea to condone abortion. And we shouldn’t be as accepting of same-sex relationships as we tend to be. I fall in line with these beliefs not because they are based in conservative moralism or nationalistic pride, but because these truths are based in Scripture.
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Living it out

Last week I wrote about how reformed female bloggers have a rough time gaining credence from their male counterparts. First, I want to point out that Jared Wilson at The Gospel Coalition has one of my friends blogs highlighted on his blog to help provide another female voice to Complementarianism in conjunction with Kathy Keller’s review of Rachel Held Evans’ latest book. For this, I am very grateful. Not only to see a friend get some well-deserved promotion, but also for the Biblical truth behind the words.
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