Tag Archives: Christians

The Institutes and Loneliness

This Christmas has been somewhat lonely, moreso than usual, I think. Maybe it’s just because all things gospel-community seemed to stop for the holiday season. Maybe it’s because I’m all the more anxious to see Christ’s return after focusing on Advent so much. Maybe I just want to get married and start the next phase of my insanity-filled sanctifying life. Who knows?
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Sharing the Wealth 12-29-2011

It’s been a rough few weeks and I haven’t been writing or reading as much. I finally got caught up with my blog reading today, and wanted to share some of the blogs that I really enjoyed. It is my joy to share them with you, and I pray that God moves in you as He did in me when I first read them.
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Don’t Stop The Music

I always have music playing. I’m grateful for YouTube and the newly discovered Spotify for when I’m at work. I have iTunes with more music than I can remember for when I’m at home or at Starbucks. I have my iPod for when I’m driving, so there’s no interruption with annoying commercials or obnoxious radio hosts. There’s always music playing. Even when I’m places where I don’t like the music, I’m grateful for it’s presence. Because there is something far worse than annoying music: silence.
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Sharing the Wealth 12-15-2011

I usually wait until the end of the week to share blogs that I read, but I found these too good to wait until then. It is my joy to share them with you, and I pray that God moves in you as He did in me when I first read them.
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Life: Unmasked – The Beauty of a World Turned Upside Down

Life: UnmaskedIn an effort to become more authentic in the blog, I’ve started doing something new, and joined Joy, a new writer I’ve come to know, in sharing about life: unmasked. I’m grateful for Joy’s allowing me to participate in this blog meme, and look forward to sharing some of my struggles, questions, and failures.
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