Tag Archives: Christians

Gladly Complementarian: in which I open a can of worms

Recently, I read one of Preston’s posts at A Deeper Story. One of his posts was the first post I read at A Deeper Story, and I quickly began following both Preston’s blog and A Deeper Story. In this post, Preston writes about the tension he feels in his life when it comes to gender roles. I am absolutely grateful for thoughtful, deep posts about important topics, and am incredibly thankful that the grace and mercy the cross allows for different and incomplete (or non-concrete) views on important topics. I began typing up a response, and it quickly grew too long to post as a comment, so I decided to post it here instead.
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Family Shepherds

Darrin Patrick has said that there is a “man crisis” in today’s church. One could argue that this is a consistent theme among God’s people, and humanity in general, beginning with Adam. Mark Driscoll has said that in becoming a Christian, particularly for men, we must put forth an effort to be like Jesus and not like our earthly father Adam. While both of these statements ring true, it has left me with a question of how men are to step up and do what we can to resolve this “man crisis” by being more like Jesus and less like Adam. This is why I am incredibly grateful for Pastor Voddie Baucham’s latest book, Family Shepherds: Calling and Equipping Men to Lead Their Homes, which Crossway books was kind enough to send me as part of their book review program.
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life:unmasked – Out Of Gas

Life: UnmaskedIn an effort to become more authentic in the blog, I’ve started doing something new, and joined Joy, a new writer I’ve come to know, in sharing about life: unmasked. I’m grateful for Joy’s allowing me to participate in this blog meme, and look forward to sharing some of my struggles, questions, and failures.
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Give Grace in Disagreement

This past year has seen much controversy in the Church. From Rob Bell’s book, Love Wins, to Jefferson Bethke’s viral video, Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus, to Pastor Mark Driscoll’s latest book, Real Marriage. Some of the reviews and blogs I’ve read have been fair, charitable, and accurate. Some have driven me to the point of absolute frustration, wondering what non-Christians think of such hostility toward a fellow Christian.
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life:unmasked – The Laughter

Life: UnmaskedIn an effort to become more authentic in the blog, I’ve started doing something new, and joined Joy, a new writer I’ve come to know, in sharing about life: unmasked. I’m grateful for Joy’s allowing me to participate in this blog meme, and look forward to sharing some of my struggles, questions, and failures. And this blog has to be the most naked I’ve written in quite some time.
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