Tag Archives: Suffering

Why Do We Confess Sin?

Whether you’ve grown up going to church in the buckle of the Bible Belt, are new to the Christian faith, or have simply been around church for any length of time, either you or someone you know has asked the question “Why do we need to confess our sin?”. Some may phrase it “Why do we need to ask forgiveness for sins when Christ already paid the price on the cross for all sins; past, present, and future?” Is this like an ATM type of thing, where the money is there, but we don’t get the cash until we swipe the card and withdraw from an unlimited supply of grace? Is confession something we have to do to get God to apply His grace to our lives?

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God Of Victory

Since I was 14 music has played a key role in my life. I never really made it into the musician world due to lack of rhythm and/or coordination, but I have always loved how music can make or break a movie, set an atmosphere, make rush hour traffic almost tolerable, and even set the mood for a church service. This can be done through instrumental pieces alone, or by compelling lyrics to drive home the message the pastor delivered. One of the things that I love about being a member of The Village Church is their commitment to not only have excellent musicians, but deep theology in the lyrics of the songs they choose when leading us in worship. Which is why I am elated about the release of their new worship album, God Of Victory.

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The Sovereignty of God in our Suffering

When we think about suffering, we are prone to think about how bad it feels, to become inward focused, to ask “Why me?”. When we actually experience suffering, we flesh out the values that we really hold to be true: whether we really believe that God is of first importance, or if we naively believe that the world should revolve around us. We rarely ever stop to think about anything outside of ourselves. We often don’t stop to realize there’s a bigger picture, and a purpose behind the pain.

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Propoganda and the Gospel

Totally hijacking this from the Desiring God blog

More gospel-centered hip-hop at Humble Beast Records.

Gondor Has No King

I love movies, especially movies with epic battle scenes. Movies have the capability of communicating either very direct messages, or very subtle messages, and it still be enjoyable to the movie watcher. Many times, we don’t even realize that the movie communicates a message; it’s just a story. Depending on the message communicated, this could be good or bad. One of my favorite movies of all time is the Lord of the Rings trilogy. If you haven’t seen it yet, go watch it now. Seriously, this blog will be here in 9 hours when you’re done watching.

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