Tag Archives: Christianity

Wrong Thinking Behind Wrong Living

Yesterday, I mentioned that I was going to start reading Future Grace by John Piper. I haven’t even made it through the introduction and I’m already being challenged and encouraged. I wanted to share part of the introduction that I found particularly insightful.
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Kyrie Eleison (Lord Have Mercy)

I literally just heard this song while listening to the live stream of The Gospel Coalition conference today. I feel these words are very applicable today.

Read. Meditate. Pray.
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All Things New

I went to The Movement last night, like I normally do on Saturday nights. My friend Mike is the young adult pastor, and it’s always a joy to hear him preach the gospel and make much of Jesus. I had been studying the background and introduction to 1 Peter most of the day, and debated on not going out of sheer mental exhaustion. Something pressed me forward and compelled me to go anyway. I’m glad I did, because I witnessed a miracle.
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Single Men in the Church, or the Lack Thereof

Yesterday, I read a post at Single Roots, written by Jenny LaBahn. She gave a female perspective to the lack of solid Godly men in our churches. She communicates truth well, and points women to find their identity in Christ instead of in their role(s) as a wife and/or mother. While her post seemed directed toward women, it did get me thinking about this a bit more, and while I don’t have anything nailed down, I’d like to share some observations I feel may contribute to this pandemic tragedy.
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Must Reads 04-05-2013

As a blogger and one who attempts to be a Christian thinker, I read a lot of blogs. Some of them are inside the Reformed circles, and others are in a variety of other Theological categories, but they all try to make much of Christ. These are a few that I felt particularly challenged or encouraged by.
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