Tag Archives: Christ

Blogging, Misplaced Worship, and the Gospel Identity Cure

If you’ve followed the blog lately, you know that with the exception of the past couple weeks, it’s been a while since I’ve written anything. I felt the pressure getting to me, and when it got to be too much, I bailed. Some of this is wisdom, but I think more of it was fear. And exhaustion. Definitely exhaustion. Then something happened to push me back toward writing again, to be able to process and figure out things, if nothing else. Walking through broken places does that, it seems. As God’s providence would have it, I rejoined the blogosphere and Twitter just in time to find out about the Echo conference that took place in Dallas last week.
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life:unmasked – Confessions of a Recovering Legalist

Life: UnmaskedA couple years ago, I started being more authentic on the blog, and joined Joy, a writer I’ve come to know and respect, in sharing about life: unmasked, in which I share some of my struggles, questions, and failures. I may link up with her or I’ll just do it on my own. Either way, I feel it’s important to live and write unmasked.
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God’s Faithfulness in Broken Places

I wrote yesterday’s post, Words from Broken Places, on Monday morning before I started work. I had this weighing on my mind and heart and had to get it out so I could focus. I wasn’t even planning on posting it as a blog, but I felt pressed to do so. It’s the result of going out of my way to make a friend feel special, and basically getting lied to and stabbed in the back. Begging God to not let this happen the entire time. To not let me lose this friend this way. While that wasn’t the path He chose, He has been more than faithful to point my eyes toward Him in this. This may be a bit disjointed, but I want to show you how, and let the Spirit speak as he did to me.
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Boston Bombings | Justice, Grace, and Peace

It’s 3pm Central Time and due to an abnormally busy work day, I’m just now finding out about the bombings in Boston at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Some sources say it’s another terrorist attack, but I haven’t been able to find enough confirmation from reliable sources. As my heart breaks for this country, enduring yet another tragedy in a string of senseless killings, I feel the weight of the gospel pressing in my heart as I consider how easily some of my running friends could have been injured or killed in this race.
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Christ is King

I spent part of my work day multi-tasking between working and listening to Tim Keller speak at The Gospel Coalition conference. During his message today, he mentioned that Americans have completely forgotten what it’s like to have a king. Now, when it comes to a man-to-man relationship that’s probably a good thing. When it comes to a Jesus-to-man relationship, it’s a tragedy.
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