Pursuing Joy

The past couple of years have been amazing for me. I got engaged, married Angela, and we had our son, Calvin, who my mom affectionately calls our “joy boy” and that couldn’t be a more apt description of Calvin, even though I still call him my Little Ninja. He’s the best baby in the world 98% of the time, and you don’t want to get me started on the other 2%. He lights up every room he’s in, and the little man doesn’t know a stranger.
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Don’t Waste Your Parenthood

I’m sure I’ve mentioned how completely bonkers (in a good way) my life has been lately in several of my recent posts, but as part of the craziness entails not writing anywhere near frequently as I’d like, I’ll sum up really quick for you: In the span of close to a year and a half I met the woman whom I would marry, got engaged, got married, found out that Angela was pregnant about four months after we got married, and then had the little man a couple weeks after our first anniversary.
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Parental Inadequacy, Redemption, and Future Grace

Well, the past year has been a whirlwind of changes. I got married, moved to a city in which I never thought I’d live, changed church campuses, and spent more time not blogging than I ever have since I started writing who knows how many years ago. Oh, and I became a father for the first time. Yes, it’s still a little surreal to say that, and a bit stranger to actually write it down. So, this is my son, Calvin Luke. He’s almost two weeks old, and I think that I can objectively say that he is the cutest baby I have ever seen. Every time I look at him my heart fills with joy and I can’t help but smile, which is a long way away from where my heart was just four years ago.
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On Endings

I’ve never liked endings. Even when I was a little kid, or maybe especially then. Whether it be the end of a birthday party as a child, gospel goodbyes as an adult, or even the last Blue Collar Comedy Tour movie. Endings made and make me sad. I used to tell myself that it’s just part of life and that I’ve gotta develop thicker skin and not let it get to me so much. Today, though, I realized that there may be something deeper than just being sensitive to change or wanting to avoid reality. I believe it’s because deep down, before I knew how to express it, I knew that we are wired for eternity.
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Reflections on the Old Testament, Changes, and the Middle East

There have been a lot of changes in my life recently. There are even more changes that seem to be looming overhead that may never even materialize. I met the woman who would become my wife about a year ago. We got married about seven months ago. Then in July we found out we’re going to be parents by April 2015. Parents! We were single a year ago, people!
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