Tag Archives: Sovereignty

The Elephant Room: The T.D. Jakes Controversy

The Elephant Room

For those who aren’t familiar with The Elephant Room:

The Elephant Room features blunt conversations between seven influential pastors who take differing approaches to ministry. No keynotes. No canned messages. These are “the conversations you never thought you’d hear.” All conversations are moderated by James MacDonald of Harvest Bible Chapel and Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church
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A Word from the Pope

Yes, you read that right. The Gospel Coalition posted about the Pope’s recent trip to Germany. While he was there, he visited Erfurt, where Martin Luther “lived as a monk, wrestled with God, and found the doctrine of justification by faith alone to be the solvent to his fears.”
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Ephesians 2:8-10

We ended the last post affirming that God was the active agent in our salvation and that our salvation was primarily for His glory and then our joy in Him.

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Neither Do I Condemn You

It’s very rare for me to read something that is both Theologically solid and emotionally riveting at the same time. So often, the stories we hear about Jesus are expressed in two ways: A feltboard-style Jesus, or a transcendent Christology. The first makes us feel that Jesus is something more appropriate for six year olds, and the second makes Jesus seem incomprehensible.
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Fight Differently

A few weeks ago a pastor friend of mine sent me a text asking me to pray for him because he was about to have a tough conversation. Of course, I did. I prayed for wisdom, clarity, courage, and understanding for him, and receptiveness for the person he was talking with. Later on, I found out who he was talking with: two of my really close friends, whom I love like family. Once I found out, I felt like a jerk, thinking to myself “Wow, if I’d known it was them, I’d have prayed harder.”
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