Tag Archives: Jesus

On Endings

I’ve never liked endings. Even when I was a little kid, or maybe especially then. Whether it be the end of a birthday party as a child, gospel goodbyes as an adult, or even the last Blue Collar Comedy Tour movie. Endings made and make me sad. I used to tell myself that it’s just part of life and that I’ve gotta develop thicker skin and not let it get to me so much. Today, though, I realized that there may be something deeper than just being sensitive to change or wanting to avoid reality. I believe it’s because deep down, before I knew how to express it, I knew that we are wired for eternity.
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Soaking and Bathing

It’s been a while since I’ve spent time in this space. Part of the reason for this is adjusting to the changes that come with marriage. The changes of available time to read, study, and write. The changes of not really knowing what to write about, or what I should or shouldn’t write about when I wanted to write about marriage and its ups and downs. The changes in the state of my heart that led me to want to spend more time relaxing with my wife than doing the hard work of soul-searching, sin killing, and pursuing my own sanctification. The changes in not needing to lean on God the same way, but still blind to see how I needed to lean on Him differently.
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Messy Grace

Let’s face it, we’re all a little lazy at times. We want things to be cut and dry. We want To-Do Lists (unless we’re at work). We don’t want to have to wade through the muck and the mire of the gray areas. We want black and white. In the end, we want the law.
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Gospel Repentance

It’s easy to forget what the whole of Christian life is really about. We are so prone to make much of ourselves, and to pursue our own comfort and happiness. This fits in so well with the American Dream and western consumerism that we barely notice it when we see it. Yet, in his ninety-five theses, Martin Luther began by saying that “Our Lord and Master Jesus Christ…willed the entire life of believers to be one of repentance.”
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Study, Abide, Linger

It feels like forever since I’ve written consistently. Forever since I’ve had the time to sit down and be alone with God, filling my mind with thoughts about him and pouring my affections out onto paper. Sometimes I question whether blogging was just a phase I went through, and if it’s time to put the digital pen down and walk away. I often wonder if it was a seasonal thing. It’s always about the time that I resolve to accept this that the itch comes back, that twitching of the fingers. That soul-stirring compulsion. That realization that writing isn’t something seasonal and is more than a phase. That writing isn’t about writing at all, but is rather an overflow of what God has been doing in my heart and mind.
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