Tag Archives: Divine Plan

Ed Stetzer on Gospel Contextualization

A while back, I wrote about Gospel Contextualization as part of the Live Sent series. Today I came across a post on Ed Stetzer’s blog that I thought might be helpful in explaining another aspect of what contextualization means in relation to the gospel.

Ed Stetzer’s primary role is Vice President of Research and Ministry Development for LifeWay Christian Resources. He is Visiting Professor of Research and Missiology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Visiting Research Professor at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and has taught at fifteen other colleges and seminaries. He also serves on the Church Services Team at the International Mission Board.

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The Craziness of Peter

Peter, leader of the disciples. Always the disciple listed first. Always the first one to do something crazy. He’s the perfect representation of you and me.

When we look at the beginning of Peter’s journey with Jesus (Luke 5:1-11; Matt. 4:18-22), we see a couple of amazing things:

1) Jesus tells Peter to cast his nets into the lake for a catch after Peter had been fishing all day and caught NOTHING. Peter does it.
2) Jesus tells Peter to follow Him. Peter does it.

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The Gospel and Politics – Part 3

This is the final post in the Gospel and Politics series. If you’re new to the blog, you’ll want to start with the first post in the series.

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9/11 Reflections

Where were you when the world stopped turning? This is the question that Trevin Wax asked his readers on his blog. Trevin also asked some of the leading pastors about their thoughts on ministry in a Post-9/11 World. Tim Keller did an excellent job addressing the issues of suffering, hope, and God’s sovereignty over 9/11 for The Gospel Coalition. Crossway had a series of posts based on R.C. Sproul’s book When Worlds Collide: Where is God?, asking Was 9/11 A Senseless Tragedy?, discussing this tragic event’s effect on Moral Relativism, and how 9/11 Shows the Value of Human Life. And Russell Moore does an absolutely outstanding job discussing The Gospel at Ground Zero for Christianity Today.

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Questioning Your Salvation?: The Effects of Sin

In the previous post in the series, we said that much of the confusion about whether or not a person is “saved” once they confess Christ comes from a problem rooted in the misunderstanding of man’s nature in relation to sin, moral ability, and the guilt of sin. In this blog, we’ll look at what happened at The Fall, when Adam and Eve sinned, and how that affects the rest of man throughout Scripture.

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