Tag Archives: Christian

Sin, Schemes, and Comedy

For my new followers, I’m a junior software developer. This means I have one of those jobs where I could be busy 8 hours a day actively programming something (read: systematically killing my brain), or have a lot of down time while I’m waiting to see if the application I’m working on breaks. Sometimes I’ll read blogs, or if my brain needs a recharge I’ll watch funny videos on YouTube. Usually that will be blooper scenes from TV shows I like, or random seemingly related videos. Maybe it’s been a while since I’ve watched real TV instead of Netflix, or maybe it’s because I’ve been reading Tempted and Tried, or maybe the Holy Spirit has just opened my eyes. Whichever the case, I realized something that disturbed me deeply.
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Reorienting Affections

As I wrote about a couple days ago, I’ve been reading Future Grace by John Piper. With summer about to kick in, and women’s clothes about to be more revealing, I’ve been contemplating how to best prepare my heart and guard my thoughts now that the curse of The Fall known as “winter” has finally departed. I found this section, which is actually a quote from Thomas Chalmers, to be particularly helpful.
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The Gosnell Murders | Christ is Our Hope

Today is the first day I’ve woken up remotely close to on time since we changed the clocks for that obnoxious Daylight Savings Time, despite the fact that I got about five hours of sleep last night. I wasn’t up late being irresponsible, and I didn’t wake up earlier to be responsible either. It’s because of the Gosnell Murders. If you haven’t heard of this, it may sound like a new crime book, an episode of Law and Order, or perhaps even a strangely named Doctor Who made for TV movie. I wish. I’ve written about the 336 Million abortions in China. Never did I think I would write about this here.
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Christ is King

I spent part of my work day multi-tasking between working and listening to Tim Keller speak at The Gospel Coalition conference. During his message today, he mentioned that Americans have completely forgotten what it’s like to have a king. Now, when it comes to a man-to-man relationship that’s probably a good thing. When it comes to a Jesus-to-man relationship, it’s a tragedy.
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Kyrie Eleison (Lord Have Mercy)

I literally just heard this song while listening to the live stream of The Gospel Coalition conference today. I feel these words are very applicable today.

Read. Meditate. Pray.
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