Category Archives: Live Sent

Live Sent: Moved To Action

For those new to the blog, I’ve been reading Jason Dukes’ new book, Live Sent. As I’ve been reading, I’ve been posting some of my reflections. One of those reflections was partially in response to a FB event to picket the Rick Perry prayer rally happening on August 6th. With this particular post being so controversial in nature, it drew some comments from the person organizing the picket. As I typed out my response to the first comments, I kept feeling like words weren’t enough.
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Live Sent: Gospel Contextualization

A friend of mine who is the Women’s Director of Living Hope recently gave a presentation on the Roots of Male and Female Homosexuality to some of my friends from The Village. In this talk, she said something that really started me down a path of much contemplation and self-evaluation: Homosexuality and gender issues is THE issue of our generation.

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Teach Young People Gospel Theologizing

What is Gospel Theologizing?
Pastor and author Tim Keller spoke of Gospel Theologizing in his message “The Supremacy of Christ and the Gospel in a Postmodern World” at the 2006 Desiring God National Conference. One of the things he pointed out was that when he grew up there was this apparent distinction between the Gospel and Theology. There was this mentality that all Christians need to know the gospel – that God loves us, sent Jesus to die on the cross and raise again to conquer sin and death and forgive us of sin, and that He’s coming back some day – and then Theology was like a level of knowing about God that was really only for pastors or Bible professors.

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Live Sent: Be The Church

I started reading Jason Dukes’ new book, Live Sent:You Are a Letter a while back, but never finished it because I just got burned out with all the reading and writing I was doing. As I’m on track to start a small group in September, unless God intervenes, I felt that now was the time to get back into the swing of things, and this book was on the top of the list to re-read and finish. I’m only four chapters in and I’m absolutely confident that I can say that this book is vital to Christians who desire to live missionally (or reformissionally, for the Driscollites out there).

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Live Sent: Some Reflections

One of the books I’ve been reading lately is Jason Dukes’ new book, Live Sent:You Are a Letter. I’ll be doing a more detailed review of the whole book later, but several things struck a chord that I felt I needed to go ahead and share over the next couple of posts. Don’t worry, I won’t ruin the book for you 🙂 Continue reading