Book Reviews

In addition to my normal blogging about what I’m learning theologically, philosophically, and how that plays out practically, I thought it may be beneficial to both myself and the readers of the blog to begin doing reviews on books that I read.

In doing so, I intend to communicate the author’s intent for writing the book, as I have been able to understand from reading the book (including the introduction, where this will hopefully be spelled out pretty clearly), as well as whether I believe he successfully accomplished his/her task. Additionally, if I do feel that the author strayed from the theological beliefs which I believe to be core, I will make sure to include that in the review, in the event any of the readers choose to buy any of the books based on my review. I will do my best to avoid commenting on open-handed, or “second tier” theological issues, as the primary purpose for this isn’t to debate the author.

Ground Rules:
1) Comments are welcome, feel free to disagree with each other or myself, but do so respectfully.
2) This isn’t a debate forum, so please keep your comments on topic with the review (the other blogs I write are fair game, to an extent, as those are for a different purpose).
3) Realize that I’m not trying to be authoritative in these reviews, but merely want to communicate my opinions of the books I read to those who read my blog. I will strive to be fair and accurate, but please allow grace for my “newbie-ness”.

The links that I provide for the books, both on the reviews and other blogs, will be through my Amazon Affiliate Link. This doesn’t cost you any extra than you’d normally pay when buying from Amazon, it just helps me earn some extra income. Feel free to bookmark that link (Right click the link and click “Bookmark”)!

That said, my primary purpose in doing these will always be to do my best to provide fair and accurate reviews for good quality books, or at least openly admit that the book isn’t of good quality. I won’t try to embellish a book’s value to get you to buy it.

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