Tag Archives: The Gospel

The Sanctifying Word

I normally don’t like just hijacking videos from other people without at least adding some of my own thoughts to it, I feel that this one is both important enough and well said enough to share as is. That, and he has a cool accent.

In this excerpt from his message The Tongue, the Bridle, and the Blessing: An Exposition of James 3:1-12 as part of the 2008 Desiring God National Conference, Sinclair Ferguson speaks on how the Word of God sanctifies us.

Originally posted on the Desiring God blog: The Importance of Being Under the Ministry of the Word

Sex, Lies, and The Gospel

I remember hearing many sermons, teachings, and lectures about sex as I was growing up.  Whether it be at church, at home, or in school, this topic was covered by more people than I could possibly imagine while I was in high school.  I’m not saying that this shouldn’t be the case, my concern is what I remember hearing.

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