Tag Archives: Sovereignty

Jesus, Our Lord and Master

In 1517 Martin Luther penned the 95 Theses that revolutionized the Christian religion, and in turn, the world. It seems fitting that the first of his 95 these was this: “When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said, “Repent” (Mt 4:17), he willed the entire life of believers to be one of repentance.”
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Ephesians 2:11-22

As we continue this series, it’s important to remember where we left off. In the last post, we ended saying that

The proper understanding of the gospel should drive us to deep, deep humility and reliance on God (particularly those who claim to be Reformed). As such, this understanding should foster unity among the church.

If you’re new to the blog, you can catch the cliff notes version of Ephesians 2 before you continue reading.
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Cliff Notes Gospel

I know I’ve done a more in depth look at this part of Ephesians, but I feel that some of the core principles may have gotten lost in the intricacies of the text. So, here ya go.
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No Additives

I applied to the Crossway Books review program last month, and was graciously accepted. I have been waiting for Pastor Tullian Tchividjian’s newest book, Jesus + Nothing = Everything, to come out for MONTHS! It was recently released, and I was ecstatic when I saw that this book was available to review.
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Here in Your Presence

Last night, I felt like I needed to change things up and get out of the routine of “doing church.” More to the point, last week was just a beating. Physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually exhausting. I’m not complaining, it’s part of bearing my cross. But it doesn’t take away from the toll it takes to go through such exhausting weeks. I normally go to The Village, and I love it. I really wanted to go there last night, but I felt God leading me to go to The Movement at Northplace Assemblies of God instead.
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