Tag Archives: Mark Driscoll

Fight Differently

A few weeks ago a pastor friend of mine sent me a text asking me to pray for him because he was about to have a tough conversation. Of course, I did. I prayed for wisdom, clarity, courage, and understanding for him, and receptiveness for the person he was talking with. Later on, I found out who he was talking with: two of my really close friends, whom I love like family. Once I found out, I felt like a jerk, thinking to myself “Wow, if I’d known it was them, I’d have prayed harder.”
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Thoughts on Being The Image of God

The other day I was fortunate to get into a conversation with my roommate, who isn’t a Christian, about God and faith and so on. During the course of the conversation, he asked me what being made in the “image of God” actually means. I’ve read several books on basic Christian doctrine and the like, so I’m relatively able to answer questions concerning the implications of being made in God’s image, but was somewhat stunned speechless when asked how we are made in the image of God.

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Death By Love

Have you ever felt that you are too far away from God? Have you ever felt like you have done so much wrong that there isn’t a way you can make up for it? Have you ever felt worthless because of something that has been done to you? Have you ever felt like there aren’t any good examples for you to follow? Have you ever felt like God is mad at you for something you have done, or for something you failed to do? Have you ever felt completely hopeless?

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Functional Universalism

Well, Rob Bell certainly stirred up a lot of commotion very quickly with his promo video for, and the release of, his book, Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived. The conversations and blogs about his book, and the topic of Universalism overall, exploded overnight, and then seem to have died out just as quickly. Pastor David Platt, author of Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream, offers a different perspective, and a strong challenge to those who profess Christ as Lord, Savior, and Treasure.

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The Rob Bell Broohaha

Alright, so in Rob Bell’s latest book, Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived, Bell at best asks some very misleading questions without pointing back to the truth of the gospel, and at worst flat out denies the doctrine of Hell, according to the multiple reviews done on the book. Continue reading