Tag Archives: Life Unmasked

Fearing a God Who is Love

A contradiction, it seems. That we both confess that “God is love” (1Jn. 4:8) and that we are to “fear God and keep His commandments” (Ecc. 12:13). A seeming contradiction that puzzles even those who have embraced Christ as Savior for many years, and a contradiction I feel that I am incapable of resolving fully. But the joy of embracing all that is God is worth the attempt, and so I set out on a journey far too difficult to complete on my own, and I pray that His Spirit would guide me as I think and write.
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life: unmasked — Contemplating Biblical Manhood

Life: UnmaskedLast week, I tried something new, and shared a post about life: unmasked, a blog meme started by Joy, a new writer I’ve come across recently. I liked it, so I’m in for round two.
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life: unmasked — Giving Grace

Life: UnmaskedToday, I’m trying something new, and am going to share a post about life: unmasked, a blog meme started by Joy, a new writer I’ve come across recently.

When I’m not busy at work, and I can’t find more work to do, I fill that time with blogs. I find that most of what I choose to read preaches the gospel clearly, giving me strength to keep pressing on at work when it gets hectic, and gives me the ability to continue to extend grace to people by bringing to the forefront of my mind the grace I have been extended in salvation. But, today I read something that really made me question what “giving grace” is really all about.
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