Tag Archives: Christianity

When We Were On Fire

How do you review a memoir? That’s what I’ve been asking myself for about a week now. Because it’s not just a story, it’s a person’s story. It’s not a parable, it’s someone’s life experience. I mean, you can’t very well say “I agree with this” or “I disagree with that” when it’s real life. You can say you don’t understand their story, but you can’t deny it. The reality is, though, that I do understand. All too well.
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Chosen, Redeemed, and Forgiven with Wisdom

Meditations on Ephesians 1

Maybe you’re a regular here, and you landed on this page from your RSS feed, Twitter, or email. Maybe this is the first time you’ve set foot in this place. Maybe you did some random Google search and landed here. However you got here, I’m glad you landed on this page. So, grab a cup of coffee or a cold beer and sit with me for a while, because I have something to show you.
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Must Reads 08/30/2013

Well, it’s the end of the week and time to share some blogs that I’ve read over the past week. It is my joy to share them with you, and I pray that God moves in you as He did in me when I first read them.

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In Remembrance of Him

I was the kid who never really fit in. In elementary school, I was a dork. This was before the words “geek” and “nerd” had any sort of prestige to them, and “dork” is ranked even below those labels. I tried too hard, and pushed people away, and was picked on for it. It seemed that kids could smell lack of confidence like sharks can blood in the water, and react about the same way.
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On Writing Mistakes, the Law, and Gospel Freedom

You’re probably wondering why I wrote almost every day for a month and then basically dropped off the face of the Earth over the past couple weeks. Part of it is that there was a post I didn’t want to write, and nothing else came until I was obedient to what I felt the Lord compelling me to write. The other part of it is that I was completely exhausted. Reading and writing every day, on top of work and trying to be social, on top of being busy Saturday night through Tuesday night. Trying to be faithful to all of those things left me winded. But there’s more to it than that.
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