Category Archives: Politics

The Gospel and Politics – Part 1

Growing up in Dallas, I was your typical teenager – self-absorbed and ignorant of the world around me. As such, I never understood why politics were important. Before I really came to know Christ, politics just seemed like a bunch of people who can’t agree on anything arguing back and forth from now until the end of eternity. It was a giant circular argument that I didn’t want any part of. After I came to know Christ, it made even less sense. My mentality shifted from “These people will never get along” to “These people will never get along. But who cares?” If I’m going to Heaven when I die, who cares what happens here? Right? Wrong. I was, where I feel many people are. I only understood half of the gospel.

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Should we rejoice in the death of Bin Laden?

The President hasn’t even given an official address yet, but the BBC and the New York Times have reported that Osama Bin Laden is dead.

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Silence The Fools

Since the day President Obama was elected, I have heard nothing good about him or his administration. Apparently he’s directly responsible for the continued war effort in the middle east, the oil rig explosion, and gas prices going up when someone in the middle east blows someone up, blows themselves up, or happens to sneeze on a rainy day with the wind blowing in the right direction. Continue reading

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

As many of you know, on December 22 President Obama signed into motion the repeal of the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell law. This law was enacted under the Clinton administration to allow gay men and women to serve in the military as long as they kept their sexual orientation to themselves. Commanding officers were prohibited from asking about sexual orientation, and gay men and women were prohibited from announcing their sexual orientation. Some may say that this repeal is a good thing, because it gives more freedom to homosexuals. Continue reading